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Version: 3.10.0-beta.37 (Latest)

Static DICOMweb Files for Enhanced Performance

This section describes how to generate and serve static DICOMweb files, significantly improving the performance of your OHIF Viewer setup. These files are pre-processed and compressed, minimizing storage space and reducing serving time to the bare minimum (disk read and HTTP stream write).

Static-DICOMWeb Project​

The core tool for this process is the static-wado project, available on GitHub:

This project contains two main components:

  • static-wado-creator: Converts raw DICOM files into a DICOMweb-compliant directory structure, optimizing them for efficient serving.
  • static-wado-webserver: A simple web server specifically designed to serve the generated static DICOMweb files.


  • Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd Static-DICOMWeb
  2. Install Dependencies:

    yarn install

Generating Static DICOMweb Files​

  1. Prepare your DICOM data: Organize your DICOM files into a directory. For example /Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/ACRIN-CT.

  2. Convert to DICOMweb Structure: Use the mkdicomweb.js script from the static-wado-creator package to create the DICOMweb directory:

    node packages/static-wado-creator/bin/mkdicomweb.js '/Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/ACRIN-CT' -o '/Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/output'
    • Replace:
      • /Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/ACRIN-CT with the path to your directory of DICOM files.
      • /Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/output with your desired output directory for the DICOMweb structure.

    This command will generate a directory structure similar to this in your output location:

    alt text

Serving Static Files with the Web Server​

  1. Start the Server:

    Run the dicomwebserver.mjs script from the static-wado-webserver package, specifying the port and the DICOMweb directory:

    node packages/static-wado-webserver/bin/dicomwebserver.mjs -p 3001 -o /Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/output
    • -p 3001: Sets the server to listen on port 3001. You can change this if needed.
    • -o /Users/alireza/dicom/test-static-script/output: Specifies the path to your generated DICOMweb directory.

    The -p (port) and -o (output directory) flags are used to configure the server.

Running OHIF Viewer with Static Data​

  1. Use the local_static.js Configuration:

    Start the OHIF Viewer in development mode using the provided local_static.js configuration file:

    yarn dev:static
  2. Configuration Details:

    The local_static.js configuration file is pre-configured to point to:

    qidoRoot: 'http://localhost:3001/dicomweb',
    wadoRoot: 'http://localhost:3001/dicomweb',

    This matches the default port (3001) used by the static-wado-webserver.


    If you change the port or output directory when running the static-wado-webserver, you must also update the qidoRoot and wadoRoot values in your local_static.js configuration file accordingly to ensure the OHIF Viewer can access the data.